
Your Digital SLR – The Basics Classes

          Update: I have received a couple of emails asking about availability of tickets at the door. The answer is yes, but please email (workshop@markcoffey.ca) to register as seating is limited. At the door is cash purchase only -- $70 tax included for one class or $125 for both.

In these introductory courses I will help you get past the “little-green-box-automatic-everything mode” on your DSLR, in a fun and helpful way. Through a no-nonsense style of teaching I will help you understand some of the technical aspects of your DSLR camera. The basics – the fundamentals – the essentials, whatever you want to call it, if you are starting with your DSLR or wanting to move forward these classes are for you. You will leave knowing more about your camera and how to use it - guaranteed.

Cost per course is $59 or you can take both for $99!
(plus HST)

Payment can be made here or my other methods by contacting me at workshop@markcoffey.ca or 250 469-2852.

The Basics

Your DSLR:  The Basics 1

When:                  Sunday, February 12th 2012          1pm-4pm

Where:                 Rotary Centre for the Arts, Kelowna
                              Room 200B (Upstairs)

Level:                    Beginner

Topics covered:               
  • DSLR anatomy
  • Picture Styles
  • Focusing Modes
  • Basic Composition
  • Workflow

 Our Guarantee -- Your learn to take better pictures or your money back.

Your DSLR: The Basics 2

When:                 Saturday, February 18th 2012          1pm-4pm

Where:                Rotary Centre for the Arts, Kelowna
                              Room 200B (Upstairs)

Level:                    Beginner-Intermediate

Topics covered:               
  • Exposure
  • Exposure modes
  • On-camera flash
  • Creative mode – not the camera, You!

Our Guarantee -- Your learn to take better pictures or your money back.

The Basics


And so it begins.

My love of teaching

It started while guiding wilderness canoe trips in Northern Ontario. I was enthralled with teaching people about wild spaces and travelling within them. I loved being there to see a young adult’s confidence rise as they worked their way through challenging wilderness conditions. I was hooked.

This love for sharing and teaching is still active within me and I have now turned to helping people connect with their personal vision through photography. Within photography there are many technical challenges and hurdles that you need to learn before your art can really take full flight. That is what I enjoy helping you through. By teaching a blend of technical know-how based on creative outcomes, I get to see your confidence rise as your abilities improve. Yes, I’m still hooked.
Stay tuned as course offerings begin in 2012, new courses and course schedules will be posted soon!